The Erasmus + program offers assistance for individual mobility for learning to staff employed in higher education institutions, for conducting educational exchanges or for receiving training, depending on the internationalization strategy of the institution requesting these grants.
STT (receive training)
NON-TEACHING STAFF (receive training
Requirements : It will be a fundamental requirement to carry out the teaching or non-teaching activity at the Conservatory of Music of Vigo during the 2017-18 academic year and to comply with the other criteria set out in the mobility protocol.
Number of scholarships: It is determined by the National Agency once all the applications of the participating institutions are submitted.
Possible destinations: All destinations with which we have signed Interinstitutional Agreements . For other destinations, in which the faculty is interested, the corresponding interinstitutional agreement may be requested.
Duration of mobility: The minimum duration of a mobility to teach or receive training is 2 days up to a maximum of 2 months, excluding travel days, financing a minimum of 4 days and up to a maximum of 60 days, according to the available funds and the regulations established by the National Agency for each call. In all cases, the activity will include a minimum of 8 hours per week or 8 hours if the period is less than one week.
In training stays, the following may be financed:
- Attendance at training events and observation or training periods in the workplace.
- NO congresses and conferences are included.
In case of personal proposals for the outgoing modality by the KA103 action, the applicant or group of applicants must submit a single project that can be sent up to a maximum of 2 institutions.
In the case of proposals for the incoming type of company teaching staff invited by the action KA103, no more than 1 application per person may be submitted.
Outbound mobility funding will be a priority over incoming mobility. The admission of the different proposals by the International Mobility Commission does not imply its financing. The funding will depend on the funds finally granted by the National Agency.
Criteria for exclusion from participation in the call: There will be exclusion criteria for participation in the call for mobility, all of which contemplates the current mobility protocol and / or non-compliance with the obligations established in the Rules of Organization and Functioning (NOF), and be it before, during or after performing the mobility.
Those interested in participating must register online through the link provided by the International Mobility Coordinator, within the established deadline. The pdf that will be received in response to sending the inscription will serve as proof of registration. To complete the application, in addition to the online registration, the following documents must be sent to the email <erasmus@csmvigo.com>, within the deadline indicated in each call.
1.- Mobility agreement detailing the activity to be done in English (1 copy for each center requested). The Mobility Agreement, which will be received when submitting the registration form, should be opened and covered with a recent version of Adobe Reader, which is free to download. In order not to modify the preset formats, the text of other forms or previous documents should not be copied.
2.- Curriculum Vitae / Biography updated in English *
3.- Certificate of the language required by the requested destination. The level of knowledge of the foreign language indicated in the interinstitutional agreements (generally the B2 level of the language in which the activity is to be developed) will constitute a minimum requirement for teaching activities.
AID GRANTED BY THE NATIONAL AGENCY IN THE 2017-18 ANNOUNCEMENT: (These amounts are for guidance only, as adjustments may be made for redistribution of funds at the end of the annual financial year and the amounts may be different in the 2017-18 call).
To calculate the distance between the institution of origin and the requested destination, consult the DISTANCE CALCULATOR
The total amount of the scholarship can be paid to the beneficiary of a mobility as a total sum or it can be used to cover the costs of mobility, depending on national legislation or institutional regulations.
Teaching hours must be included in the usual work or teaching load. In the mobility carried out by Erasmus +, no extraordinary remuneration can be requested.
STA (Teaching) STT (Receive training)
Before Mobility
Step 1 - Call and selection of participants.
Those interested in participating in this call, must submit their application within the deadline established through this form. Applications submitted out of time will lose all kinds of priority.
DOCUMENTS: The applicant must send the following documentation to the email <erasmus@csmvigo.com>:
- Photocopy of the DNI, Passport or Resident Card (unless you have already submitted it in previous calls.
- Mobility Agreement with the description of the project of the activity to be carried out, according to the model available for download on the website of the Conservatory, duly covered in English and with a photo.
- Curriculum vitae updated in English.
- Accreditation of the language level required by the destination institution in which the proposed activity is to be carried out.
The CSMVigo, in the event that the number of applications accepted by the destination institutions is greater than the number of grants granted, will prioritize the applicants according to the criteria established in the current mobility protocol .
Step 2 - Internal selection for teaching exchange.
Each institution establishes the selection procedures and criteria. The level of knowledge of the foreign language indicated in the Interinstitutional agreements (generally the B2 level of the language in which the activity is to be developed) will constitute a minimum requirement for teaching activities.
Step 3 - Exchange proposals.
Institutions may prioritize certain strategic areas or certain exchanges that offer additional value, such as project preparation, teaching integrated into the host institution's regular program of study, or preparation of new study material.
Other additional activities, such as recitals, teaching on specific topics, research activities, etc. must be accepted in advance by both institutions, the sending institution and the host institution.
Step 4 - Procedures for trading.
Internal selection does not guarantee that mobility can take place. To do this, the following circumstances must be given:
1.- that the requested institution to carry out the exchange accepts the mobility agreement sent. The host institution must send a letter of invitation or an approval and confirmation email.
2.- that the institution of origin receives the corresponding financing.
Step 5 - Mobility agreement for teaching / training approved by the sending and receiving institutions.
The Mobility Agreement for educational exchanges and for training purposes is the basis of mobility. This document must be confirmed and approved by the applicant and the sending and receiving institutions.
This document is the guarantee that the sending institution will count the Erasmus + exchange period as working hours.
In addition, a financing agreement must be signed between the applicant and the sending institution.
Step 6 - Contract for financial aid to non-teaching faculty or staff.
The sending institution distributes the aid on the basis of a contract signed with the applicant.
Faculty and non-teaching staff receiving Erasmus + assistance will receive a full amount in support of mobility costs, including travel and subsistence costs related to the period of teaching / training abroad.
Travel assistance will be calculated based on distance, length of stay (number of days, including travel days) and a daily accommodation and maintenance diet according to the group of the destination country.
The total assistance to receive is defined by each National Agency.
Step 7 - Language assessment:
The sending institution is committed to respecting and guaranteeing the conditions established in the Interinstitutional agreements, which indicate the level and type of language required (usually the B2 of the language in which the activity will be developed).
After Mobility
Step 8 - Confirmation of the teaching / training signed by the host institution
The confirmation certifies that the beneficiary has completed the teaching or training activity under the Erasmus + program. It is a document that confirms the days of arrival and departure, the scope and hours of the teaching or training received as well as other possible activities (recitals, participation in exams, etc.). This document serves as verification for payment of the aid granted.
Step 9 - Report through the “Mobility Tool”
The “Mobility Tool” is the web platform created to inform about mobility projects carried out under the Erasmus + program. The International Relations Coordinator is responsible for entering the data of the mobility and the data of the participants in the system.
The Mobility Tool automatically sends a request for the participant's report at the end of the mobility period. Participants will receive an invitation to fill out their mobility report.
The participant report consists of a questionnaire with single, multiple or matrix type questions.
Step 10 - Evaluation
The sending and receiving institutions will monitor and evaluate mobility and its quality. The success of each individual activity is very important for the subsequent positive cooperation between both institutions. The home institution will disseminate the good practices and results obtained. All information should be sent to the National Agency if required.
Step 11.- Revocation of mobility
The mobility granted may be revoked if the beneficiary of these grants incurs any of the deficiencies contemplated in the current mobility protocol and in the Rules of Organization and Functioning (NOF), either before or after the mobility is completed.
International Mobility Coordinator
Inquiries: erasmus@csmvigo.com