Mobility SMS (for studies) and / or SMT (for internships)
Number of seats: Undetermined
Number of scholarships: will be determined by the National Agency.
Type and duration of the exchange
Mobility for Studies and combined mobility (including internships): 3 to 12 months.
Mobility for Internships (work placements): 2 to 12 months (including internships for new graduates, which must be completed in the 12 months following the end of the cycle.
Shipping Institutions / Companies: All institutions or companies with which the Higher Conservatory of Music of Vigo has established an Interinstitutional Agreement (IIA). Students interested in applying for other different institutions should notify the Coordinator to request the corresponding IIA.
Duration of the mobility: The mobility by studies or by practices will have to realize during the academic year corresponding to each announcement. The minimum duration is 3 months for study mobility (2 months for practical mobility), while the maximum duration will be 12 months for both types of mobility.
Number of mobilities that the student can carry out: A student will be able to receive scholarships for studies or practices for a maximum of 12 months in each cycle of studies: During the first cycle: (Degree or equivalent), During the second cycle: (Master or equivalent ) and / or During the third cycle: (Doctorate). The total cumulative duration of Erasmus + mobilities can be 36 months (12 during the 1st cycle, 12 during the 2nd cycle and 12 during the 3rd cycle).
The duration of the internship of a recent graduate counts in the maximum of 12 months of the cycle in which it requests the internships. This means that the student who has completed an exchange of 12 months in a cycle, will not be able to request practices of just graduated after finishing this cycle.
The student will be able to realize several mobilities in the cycle of studies, taking into account the following restrictions:
you can only have up to 12 months funded in each cycle between the mobility of the SMS and SMT modalities.
You can only do 12 months of mobility per cycle (funded or not)
Each mobility will be financed by the maximum number of months established by the National Agency in each call.
The student will be able to carry out a mobility of practices the following year after finishing the cycle, if it has been proposed for it by his institution during his last course of the degree and if it has not consumed the 12 months of maximum mobility established by cycle.
a student realizes in 3º a mobility of 5 months: it will be financed by 5 months and will be able to request another mobility of studies or practices to do in 4º or when finishing the cycle until completing the 12 months.
a student realizes in 3º a mobility of 6 months: will be financed by 5 months and will be able to request another mobility of studies or practices to do in 4º or when finishing the cycle until completing the 12 months.
a student carries out a mobility of 9 months in 3º: it will be financed by 5 months and may request another mobility of studies or practices to do in 4º or when finishing the cycle until completing the 12 months.
IN NO CASE MORE THAN 12 MONTHS OF MOBILITY PER CYCLE MAY BE TAKEN INTO ACCOUNT, Bearing in mind both the funded and the non-funded months.
Exclusion criteria for participation in the call: There will be exclusion criteria for participation in the call for mobility, all of which contemplates the current mobility protocol and / or the non-compliance with the obligations established in the Rules of Organization and Functioning (NOF), and be it before, during or after performing the mobility.
1.- Pre-registration and download of documents:
It is necessary to have completed the 1st course of the corresponding specialty for which you want to participate, except when it comes to studies of 2nd or 3rd cycle. Therefore, only students who are enrolled in 2nd year or in a course higher than 2nd may apply for mobility.
1.1 - ONLINE REGISTRATION: Those interested in applying for a mobility must register through the link received by email or through the web, within the established deadline. The receipt received after registration will serve as the registration receipt.
Also, within the term and form determined in each call, the following documents must be provided:
AN EXAMPLE OF THE APPLICATION FORM corresponding to each requested center, covered in English.
AN EXAMPLE OF THE "LEARNING AGREEMENT" corresponding to each requested center, covered in English.
Academic certificate of the institution of origin with the results obtained in the studies taken until the moment of the application.
Motivation letter in English no longer than a leaflet, indicating the objectives and expectations of the opportunity to study abroad.
Letter of recommendation from the Teacher / Tutor in English
Certificate of language / s in case you have any.
Curriculum Vitae / Biography in English
Photocopy of ID card or Resident Card
The selected students must also provide a copy of a CD or DVD recording of 20 to 30 minutes per requested destination, unless the requested destination supports the presentation of some other format, such as MP3, MP4, Quicktime, Youtube, Vimeo, etc. In case of submitting the DVD recording, the applicant must be viewed in front. In case of presenting it on CD, the recording must be accompanied by a certification from the Tutor.
SMS: Mobility of StudiesSMT: Mobility of Practices
Before Mobility
Step 1 - Call and selection of beneficiaries
Students interested in participating in the call, must complete the online registration within the established deadline. Inscriptions made out of time may be taken into account, but they will lose all kinds of priority. The International Mobility Commission will verify the suitability of the applicants and the applications that receive the approval will be processed. For this reason, applicants must conduct a personal interview with the Mobility Commission. The Commission will also receive a report from the applicants' Tutors.
The International Mobility Commission will prioritize the accepted applications in accordance with the established protocols, to grant the scholarships granted by the National Agency, in case of not obtaining sufficient scholarships for all the selected applicants. Other priority criteria may be established, such as the geographical proximity of the requested destination, giving priority to mobility requests to destinations whose cultural diversity may offer a more enriching experience.
Step 2 - Documentation required:
A) Along with the registration, the following documents must be provided:
Photocopy of ID card or Resident Card.
Certificate of language / s in case you have any.
Motivation letter in English no longer than a leaflet, indicating the objectives and expectations of the opportunity to study abroad.
Letter of recommendation from the Teacher / Tutor in English
Curriculum Vitae / Biography, in English.
Academic certificate with the results obtained in the studies taken until the moment of the application.
Unlink to youtube or similar (It is necessary to check the requirements of each institution. Approximately 20 to 30 minutes of music is usually required where the applicant is viewed from the front. Some institutions require a CD / DVD instead of a link to youtube.
B) After obtaining the approval of the Mobility Commission, the applicants will be required to provide the documents 8 and 9 which are related below, and must be sent by e-mail in the requested format to or by the mode indicated in each call. Once supervised by the international mobility coordinator, all documentation will be sent by the applicant according to the procedures established by the requested institutions of destination.
Document "APPLICATION FORM" of Studies or Practices (1 copy for each center in which it is desired to request a place, according to the model available for download in the corresponding link, duly covered in English and with photo) No more than 3 centers can be requested .
Document "LEARNING AGREEMENT" for Studies or "PLACEMENT AGREEMENT for Practices (1 copy for each center requested, according to the model available for download in the corresponding link).
For more information to cover the Training Agreements, see Annex I of the agreements.
Modality of Studies (SMS):
The Learning Agreement for studies (LA) is the document that indicates the subjects that the student will take and must be approved by the applicant, the sending institution and the host institution. The subjects must be chosen from those existing in the teaching offer of the destination center. This agreement guarantees that the home institution recognizes the Erasmus exchange as part of the student's studies.
The Agreement must be defined prior to mobility, but may be finalized upon the student's arrival at the host institution. A first draft may be sent to the host institution by email indicating the link to the teaching offer, the name of the person responsible, the expected dates of the mobility period, etc. This draft also offers the host institution the opportunity to make comments and suggestions to the proposed curriculum, the number of credits and to suggest other additional or alternative courses. The Agreement must be signed when the curriculum is satisfactory to all parties. The changes to the Training Agreement already signed will be exceptional.
Practice Mode (SMT):
The Training Agreement for practices establishes the training program and the activities to be carried out during the realization of the practices, approved by the student and by the institutions of origin and of reception. This agreement guarantees that the sending institution recognizes the results of the internship period. The Training Agreement (LA) will include the information required for the Certificate of Practice that the host institution must issue within a maximum of 5 weeks after the positive completion of the practices.
The host institution can be a company of any size (small, medium or large company) legally incorporated in the EU or in the area of economic influence of the EU. Host organizations may include higher education institutions, music festivals, concert organizing companies, cultural organizations, professional associations, or even international relations offices of other institutions. Higher education institutions must have an ECHE (European Card Higher Education) and a PIC, while in the case of companies, it is not necessary.
Step 3 - Request for funds to the National Agency
The institution of origin requests from the National Agency the funds to grant scholarships to the selected participants. The deadline for applying for funds is usually late in early February. No information will be obtained from the funds granted until the end of June or July.
Step 4 - Admission process and decision result
After receiving an exchange request, the Coordinator of the host institution, following the international standards, will forward it to the corresponding department or to a selection committee, as appropriate in each case.
The result of the decision taken will be sent to both the institution and the applicant student. The response time is determined in each Interinstitutional Agreement (Section E).
The admission of the application in an institution does not imply the obtaining of the scholarship Erasmus.
Step 5 - Completion of the Training Agreement
Once the mobility of the host institution has been confirmed, the Training Agreement will be finalized, in collaboration with the student and the persons responsible for both institutions.
Step 6 - Financing contract signed by the student and the institution of origin
An Erasmus + grant from the European Union will be available to help cover the difference in living costs incurred due to mobility.
The amount of the scholarship depends on the country of the host institution. The National Agency of the institution of origin is responsible for establishing the exact quantities for each of the groups (p.43) being the originating institutions responsible for the publication of such information on its web pages.
The same amount will be granted to all students traveling to the same group of countries for the same type of mobility. A financing contract will be signed covering the period of mobility between the student and the institution of origin and the form of payment. The signing of this contract implies the commitment to carry out the requested and granted mobility.
The agreed mobility may only be interrupted, with the right to finance, by vacant periods of the host institution or by circumstances of force majeure. The interruption of mobility entails the loss of the corresponding funding. In that case, the financing contract will be modified or terminated, losing all mobility rights.
The funding received is compatible with any other scholarship that does not come from European funds. It is also compatible with part-time work at the place of destination, but not with other types of work at the place of origin.
AID ESTABLISHED BY THE NATIONAL AGENCY IN THE CALL 2017-18: (These amounts are only indicative, as adjustments can be made by redistribution of funds at the end of the year).
* For KA103 action only:
Students with economic disadvantage will be able to obtain an additional scholarship between 100 and 200 euros per month. In the 2017-18 Call, this aid was an additional € 175 / month, for a maximum of 7 months. These students will be able to make this aid compatible with the annual scholarship applied for at the time of enrollment.
Students who practice mobility will receive an additional scholarship from the European Union, which can vary from 100 to 200 euros per month. The exact amount will be determined by the National Agencies. In the previous Call, this aid has been for an additional € 100 / month, for a maximum of 3 months. This aid is NOT compatible with aid for financial disadvantage.
These aids are not applicable in action KA107
Students with some type of disability will be able to get special help.
Mobility of studies with scholarship "0" (zero):
Students with a 0 (zero) scholarship are participants in mobility actions that do not receive a European Union scholarship for commuting or subsistence expenses, but meet the mobility criteria and benefit from the benefits of the Erasmus + program. Such students may receive any other regional or national or other scholarship to contribute to mobility expenses. These students will be taken into account in the statistics for the indicators used to distribute the European budget among the different countries.
Step 7 - Language courses
Since 2014, the European Commission has put in place an online language support service (OLS) that will provide participants with mobility studies of a tool to evaluate their knowledge of the language that will be used to study abroad, followed by a course of online languages to improve their language skills.
Online language assessment is mandatory for all students before beginning as well as at the end of mobility. The home institution may offer online training courses of 2 to 12 months for outgoing students if the level is below the recommended level. For other languages, the institution may offer courses organized for the allocation of organizational expenses.
The institution of origin is obliged to guarantee the necessary linguistic preparation for the mobility of the participants.
Step 8 - Erasmus Student Letter to Outgoing Students
The Erasmus Student Charter (ESC) is a document that outlines the rights and obligations regarding the study period abroad and will be provided to each selected student prior to mobility.
During Mobility
Step 9 - Changes to the Training Agreement
Enrollment must be made at the institution of origin.
The deadline for modifications to the Training Agreement is 4 to 7 weeks. The student is responsible for the changes made to the initial syllabus, having to keep the Tutor, the Head of Studies and the International Mobility Coordinator informed.
Step 10 - Monitoring
In case of problems during the exchange period, the student can contact the coordinators of the host and / or home institution. The teacher-tutor of the home institution will check the student's progress at least once during the exchange period.
After Mobility
Step 11 - Credit recognition
The institution of origin must acknowledge academically the activities included in the Training Agreement and successfully carried out during the mobility period, using ECTS credits or another equivalent system. The period of mobility must be included in the student's final certificate and in the Diploma Supplement or equivalent.
The realization of a semester or a complete course in the destination institution will be recognized in its entirety by the semester or equivalent course in the Conservatory of Music of Vigo, recognizing the total of credits (30 if it is a semester or 60 if this is the complete course) even if there is no coincidence with the subjects studied. In this case, it is recognized quarter by quarter or course by course, as the case may be.
If the student does not attend the semester or the complete course, the recognition will be done subject by subject, having, the Tutor of the student, give his good approval to the contents that the student will study in the institution of destination so that they will be recognized to him upon his return in case of overcoming the subject.
At the time of enrollment, the student will complete an internal document specifying the subjects to be taken at the destination and those subjects that he / she wishes to be examined at the Higher Conservatory of Vigo.
Section "F" of the Training Agreement details the minimum requirements that must be included in the study record of the institution of origin regarding the recognition of the exchange of studies. The host institution must provide the student and the home institution with a confirmation of having passed the program detailed in the Training Agreement, indicating the number of ECTS credits and the score obtained.
A Transcript of Records certification from the host institution may replace Table "E" of the Training Agreement if the content is the same.
The institution of origin is obliged to recognize the results in the period established in the Interinstitutional agreement, a period that should not exceed 5 weeks after receiving the results obtained in the host institution.
A Certification of the stay is obligatory both in the case of the mobility by studies as by practices, confirming the date of beginning and end of the mobility. This confirmation serves to verify that the payment of the scholarship is adjusted to the duration of the mobility. The start day is the first day of attendance at the institution, for orientation or language preparation activities, if applicable. The final date is the last day the student is required to attend the institution.
NOTE! It is not allowed to include in the duration of the mobility the extra days that are used for the displacement or search for accommodation.
Step 12 - Report through the Mobility Tool
The “Mobility Tool” is a web platform created to collaborate, assist and inform about the mobility projects carried out under the Erasmus + program. The International Mobility Coordinator is responsible for entering the data of the mobility and of the participants in the system.
The Mobility Tool automatically sends a request for the participant's report at the end of the mobility period. Participants will receive an invitation to fill out their mobility report.
The participant report consists of a questionnaire with single, multiple or matrix type questions.
Step 13 - Evaluation
The sending and receiving institutions will monitor and evaluate mobility and its quality. The success of each individual activity is very important for the subsequent positive cooperation between both institutions. The home institution will disseminate the good practices and results obtained. It is recommended that the International Mobility Coordinator of the institution of origin meet with the beneficiaries after the exchange for the subsequent monitoring of mobility. All information should be sent to the National Agency if required.
Step 14.- Health
The student, when registering in our center, has the same benefits as if he were in Spain in the countries of the European Union. We recommend obtaining the European Health Card through Social Security to speed up any paperwork if necessary. Some destination centers offer the student the possibility of paying a small amount to be covered by the national social security services of the country of destination.
For destinations in the partner countries of the KA107 action, not belonging to the Schengen territory, the student must contract private insurance that offers coverage in the event of accidents and civil liability for damage to third parties.
Step 15.- Accommodation
Some institutions offer help finding accommodation or have their own student residences, which in some cases, must be requested at the time of submitting the application or when being admitted. You can find this information through the websites corresponding to each center.
Step 16.- Mobility revocation:
The granted mobility may be revoked if the beneficiary of these grants incurs any of the faults that are contemplated in the current mobility protocol or in the Rules of Organization and Functioning (NOF), either before, during or after performing the mobility .
International Mobility Coordinator